Unreal Engine Mac Download

In order to understand and use the content on this page, make sure you are familiar with the following topics:

The Mac build of Rider for Unreal Engine is finally here! Register now to get a free Preview license and links to the builds both for Windows and Mac. Download the.dmg package, install it, and then simply open the.uproject file as a project in Rider for Unreal Engine. Users will find that the Mac version of Rider has nearly all. Create a Mac App Store provisioning profile. Create a new macOS app in App Store Connect and select your new bundle identifier. Open your project in Unreal. In your project settings, go to Platforms iOS, and set your Bundle Identifier to be your new Bundle ID. That’s the boring part.

Devices / SDK

UE4 supports the following iOS devices and OS versions:


Download Latest Version for Mac (47.00 MB) Advertisement. Unreal Engine 4 for Mac is a complete suite of game development tools made by game developers, for game developers. From 2D mobile games to console blockbusters and VR, Unreal Engine 4 for Mac gives you everything you need to start, ship, grow and stand out from the crowd. Install or open the Epic Games launcher. Sign into the Epic Games launcher. On the Unreal Engine tab, click the Install Engine button to download and install the latest version of Unreal Engine. If you have additional questions, visit our FAQ or reach out on our support channels. Start your learning journey.

Minimum Supported iOS Devices:

  • IPhone 5s

  • IPad Air

Unreal Engine Mac Download

Minimum Supported OS:

  • iOS 9.0 or above.

To check the compatibility of your device with engine features, please see the iOS Device Compatibility page.

Unreal Engine Mac Download

Supported Configurations

Getting Started as an Apple iOS Developer

You will need to sign up for the Apple iOS Developer Program.

  • Individual - If you are working on your own, or will be the only one on a small them that needs Admin access to the iOS account

  • Company - If you are a small team with Company / This allows you to add people to your team, and grant them different kinds of access

When you create your Apple developer account, you will have to do the following (using Apple's instructions):

  • Create a certificate.

  • Create an App ID (it is fine to use * for the user specified portion).

  • Create a provisioning profile.

  • Add your devices.

  • Add all of your devices to the provisioning profile.

For more information, please see the following pages on Apple's site:

In the end, the important thing is that everyone has the same 'iPhone Developer:' certificate in their login Keychain.

You can share a wildcard mobileprovision file across all your games (until a game needs a non-wildcard profile as explained by Apple). Remember to update the file(s) whenever you add more devices.

Deploying to iOS Devices

You can use the Launch button within Unreal Editor to quickly begin testing your current level on iOS devices. You can also use the File > Package command to cook and package your game for testing on iOS devices. For more information, see the Launching to Devices page.

Category: UE4
May 26, 2015 (Updated: July 30, 2019)

In this tutorial you will learn how to download and install Unreal Engine 4 on your computer.

Unreal Engine 4 Download Free Mac

The process if fairly simple, but it does require few additional steps before you can use Unreal Engine world/level editor.

Follow these 6 steps to download and install Unreal Engine 4.

1. Get Unreal - Unreal Engine Launcher

Go to Unreal Engine 4 website and click on 'Get Unreal' icon.

This will take you to a log-in page.

You have to sign-up/register to Epic Games Community before you can have access to use Unreal Engine.


If you do not have an account, go ahead and sign up. Registration is free and it is required to download and use UE4.

2. Download Launcher - Unreal Engine Dashboard

Before you can download Unreal Engine, you have to download and install Unreal Engine Launcher. This is also called Epic Game Launcher.

Xcode Unreal Engine Mac Download

Unreal Engine Launcher is very important. It is a portal through which you will be able to download and launch any Unreal Engine version you want. You will also be able to create new projects, manage your projects and download Marketplace Content.

Once you signed up and logged in, click on 'Get Unreal Engine' icon button to download 'Unreal Engine/Epic Games Launcher' installer.

Choose Game Developers tab and click Proceed to Download:

Next choose to download for Windows or Mac:

And you'll get EpicInstaller file like this:

3. Install Unreal Engine Launcher

Run EpicInstaller file on your computer:

Let it install into the default C: directory:

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4. Open Unreal Engine Launcher

After installation, you should now have Epic Games Launcher shortcut on your desktop. Double click on the icon to open it:

You can also use Windows Start icon and search for Epic Game Launcher:

You will find 'Unreal Engine/Epic Games Launcher' inside the default installation directory in: 'C:Program Files Epic Games Launcher Engine Binaries Win64 EpicGamesLauncher.exe'

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5. Download Unreal Engine


After opening up the Epic Game Launcher you'll have to sign-in using the same log-in you created earlier.

First click over to Unreal Engine then Library tab:

Click on the plus icon to add Unreal Engine:

Then use the drop down menu to choose Unreal Engine version you want to download and install:

Keep the install location default and let it download and install:

This will take a bit of time but once it is done, you now will have Unreal Engine editor on your computer, ready to use.

6. Open Unreal Engine Editor

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Click any of the Launch icons to open up Unreal Engine 4.

Important: in order to start Unreal Engine 4 editor you will have to create a new project, open existing project or open a project you downloaded from Learn or Marketplace section.

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7. Create Your First Project

Follow this tutorial to create your very first project in order to open up Unreal Engine editor.