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Download the free grunge texture pack below.
Grunge Background | Seamless (download the pack)
Grunge PNG | Seamless (download the pack)
Grunge Overlay | Seamless (download the pack)
Grunge textures that you can download and use for free. The pack contains 17 grunge texture images.
Do you need grunge texture free images? We have lots of free grunge textures to choose from.
If you are looking for grunge overlay, scratches overlay, grunge texture, dirty texture, grunge texture png, grunge pattern or other distressed overlay images, then this pack is what you need.
The set contains 12 grunge textures that you can download for free. These distressed textures can be used as grunge overlay for your images. Create a grunge background or a grunge effect easily with these free textures.
These free grunge textures are in JPG format. The size of the textures is 3500×2300 px.
How to Use Textures in Photoshop
More free textures for your graphic design projects
How To Use a Grunge Texture in Photoshop
If you are looking for a free grunge background for creating a poster or other graphics, use Photoshop or other free Photoshop alternative like MockoFun.
The seamless grunge texture from this pack, can be used as a grunge pattern in Photoshop. Go to Edit > Define Pattern to create the grunge pattern.
If you want to create a grunge effect, here are the steps that you should make:
- Open your photo in Photoshop
- Place the grunge overlay over your photo and set the blend mode to Soft Light, Overlay or try other blend modes.
- Use a Levels adjustment for the grunge texture to increase or lower the contrast.
How to Create a Grunge Font in Photoshop
By using a dirty texture you can take any regular font and turn it into a grunge font or a distressed font.
To make a grunge font add the dirty texture over your text. Add a Layer Mask to the text layer. Then, go to Image > Apply Image. Use Levels to adjust the grunge mask.
You can combine the grunge textures to obtain that distressed look that you like.
Check out my dust textures and also my dust PNG pack, if you want to create a grunge effect. With these textures you can make grunge posters, grunge backgrounds quick and easy.
In the preview image above I used my black and white Photoshop action to create a monochrome image before applying the grunge texture. Install import openpyxl for python in mac.
How to Create a Grunge PNG Image in Photoshop
- Open a grunge texture in Photoshop.
- Add a Layer Mask
- Go to Image > Apply Image to get a transparent texture
- Save the image as PNG (File > Save As)
- Add the grunge PNG over your image.
In the ZIP file you have a grunge png image to create a grunge photo in Photoshop or any other graphic design tool. You can also use these free grunge overlay images to create an old photo effect.
Check out our set of png textures if you want to use texture png images in your projects.
Make a grunge background Photoshop image in just a few minutes. The grunge maps are useful for all kind of graphic design software like Photoshop, Gimp, etc. You can use the grunge maps in Blender for 3D modelling.
To make a vintage photo effect you can use my sepia Photoshop action or, if you prefer textures, you can use my vintage paper textures. Alternatively there are a lot of old paper background images that you can combine with the grunge textures to get some really cool effects.
Our next pack will also include a set of grunge overlay PNG images. Why PNG images? Because some of the graphic design software don’t have blending modes, so you can not use the grunge images as overlays.
Item Details
This freebie contains 8 textures
- Format: JPG file
- Author: PhotoshopSupply(exclusive item)
- License: Free for personal and commercial use with attribution. License Agreement
How to Create Grunge Effect Online with MockoFun
If you want to use these dust textures online, try the MockoFun online photo editor, it’s free!
You can find these dust textures in the Elements > Effects category. Add them over your photo and use blending modes just like in Photoshop to create an interesting grunge effect.
So, if you don’t have Photoshop, you can make old photo effects with MockoFun. Check out the article about how to use the vintage photo editor online to make old retro images.
If you are looking for other cool photo effects, check out this list of online photo effects that you can use for your pictures.
MockoFun is a magic photo editor online with more than 50 non-destructive photo filters, photo overlays and photo effects.
Try the MockoFun’s Grunge Filter Online
Use MockoFun to create a grunge photo effect in just a few minutes. Use this free grunge effect template to transform your picture into an old grunge photo. simply click on the Replace Object button to add your own image.
These grunge filter is made using different grunge texture images. Each grunge texture is added in a new layer and you can apply blending modes just like in Photoshop.
Use the grunge png images as grunge mask for your photos.
Other resources that you might like:
- Sunset Gradients (FREE GRD & JPG)
- 80s Retro Poster (FREE Action)
- Canvas Texture (FREE)
- Chalk (Chalkboard Texture & Chalk Effect | PREMIUM)
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